Dizzing on the e-Carder
Create ready-to-spin sliver quickly and easily using an Ashford Diz Stick.
Carding fleece
Carding your fleece is quick and easy on the Ashford Wide Carder.
Blending colours
Blending colours on the Ashford drum carder.
Attaching a packer brush
How to attach a packer brush to your standard 8″ Ashford drum carder.
Carding on the Wild Carder
How to use the Wild Carder to make delicious batts. Add fibre, sparkle, ribbons, fabric, locks and more!
Carding “Barely a Batt”
Carding and Spinning “Barely a Batt”. A fun and easy way to use your locks and create gorgeous yarns!
Blending fibres
Blending Merino and silk on the Ashford drum carder.
Hand Carding
How to use your hand carders.
Using the Ashford Blending Board
Blend fabulous fibres in your favourite colours and create beautiful rolags for spinning.
Making batts for felting
Maria kindly shared her technique for making beautiful fine felt with us.
Ashford Fibre Mill – Take a tour
Take a tour of our fibre mill and see how our fibre is processed.
Learn to card on the Wild Carder
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tutorial videos.
ashford blog
Ashford Award 2024 Update
Ashford Textile Award 2024 – Final Report from Lauriston Farm, Goldhanger, Essex, UK Website: www.lauristonfarm.co.uk Facebook: LauristonFarm Instagram: @lauristonfarm Lauriston
Ashford Artist of the Month – Jan 25 – Kate Zazzara
We are thrilled to feature you as our Ashford Artist of the Month! The Ashford blog reaches 25,000 subscribers, and we’re excited to showcase your work and share your story [&hel
Sheepish Fields
Ewe won’t baa-lieve how adorable this pattern is! Fleece your eyes on the fluffy rows of sheep grazing in the field! Whether you are the black sheep or part of […]
Making waves
Another fun and simple way to add some flair to your weaving is by using a wavy shuttle. These patterns are not only enjoyable to experiment with, but they also […]
3 NEW Corriedale Colour Theme Packs
We are thrilled to offer 3 NEW Corriedale Colour Theme Packs to our popular CSP collection. Convenient seven colour packs of 30 micron Corriedale sliver pre-packaged in 100gm bags.